by Judi Wells
Posted: about 5 years ago
Updated: about 5 years ago by Judi Wells
Visible to: public

Time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Reminder: None

I hope you had a moment to sit back and reflect on our meeting and decide whether or not our team is the right fit for you. Many women paid for a jersey, but if you have changed your mind, we will refund your money. If any of you are having second thoughts after our meeting, it’s okay….no judging. That’s why we had the meeting. IF YOU ARE STILL ON BOARD…. IT’S ALL HAPPENING!

Kathy will be the point person for these payments and info until our team captains take over. Please be patient and all info will be sent out. After this email, we will use TeamApp to communicate unless we need something seen immediately. When we are at ranges or at a comp, we will use TeamApp Messages on the Comp Squad thread. I will send out a test thread to make sure everyone is receiving messages.

Here is a quick summary of our team parameters:
1. You must be a current member of AGAG.
2. You must shoot REGULARLY with our chapter, at least 6 meetings a year. We understand that life happens, but we want you to feel comfortable with us and us with you. Out of towners, you know who you are…
3. You must shoot at least 2 out of 4 competitions a year.
4. You will abide by our request to wear your jersey judiciously
5. You have been through our holster curriculum or confirmed holster safe by Judi.

When we get our jerseys, we will have everyone sign a “good-will” intent to participate along with photo waivers and all that good stuff.

The jerseys are $50.00 each, with a $200.00 one time set up for all of our graphics (the one time set up fee will be covered by our sponsor fund). If you want your name on your jersey, we are requesting that you pay $25.00, because then the shirt is yours. If not, and that is fine, we will loan you the jersey until you no longer want to participate.

We will be ordering jerseys shortly, as soon as we hear from our final couple of sponsors. If you have someone in mind, please let Barb know asap, via TeamApp, and we will send a sponsor letter.

As well, we would like to get the jerseys ordered ASAP, so we will need $25.00 sent to Kathy… venmo is katwinsmith or paypal (The “at” symbol is not translating in this post.. note PayPal address is sdagirlagun AT . If you cannot pay by either way, contact Kathy via TeamApp and we will make other arrangements. Since we are using these two methods to pay for our events, you might consider getting one of these payment methods moving forward.

Please include in your payment the EXACT NAME (first name will go on the front And the back) you want on the jerseys. When we all get famous and have our nicknames, we can switch our jerseys out for new ones and put our nicknames on them : )

A couple more things.
1. We will be sending out info about what you need / how to get to Rainbow for the August 10thshoot. I promise you will have it in time.
2. We will be sending out info about a holster class that we will try to put together in the near future.
3. IMPT : Our first shoot at Rainbow will NOT be covered by sponsor monies. We will become a squad officially on September 1, 2019, when all sponsor monies are in and our budget is solid.
4. Although we are very welcome at the matches, the directors have made it clear that we need to be completely comfortable with our gear. A match is not a place to be learning how to run your gear (belt, mag pouches, ammo, gun, loading, safeties, etc). If you have any doubts about your gear or how to run it smoothly, please contact me so we can help you feel ready and confident.


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